About the Friends
The Friends of the Citrus County Library System, Inc. (FOCCLS) was established in 2001 when three Friends of the Library groups from Central Ridge, Coastal Region, and Lakes Region libraries joined together. The Friends of the Floral City Library joined the organization in January 2018. The Friends of the Homosassa Library was Established in 1991 and they enhance the materials and services of the Homosassa Public Library through fundraising and donations.
Together, they support the library system through memberships, used-book sales, promotional item sales, special events, and donations. They work to promote awareness of the library system and enhance library resources. Their commitment to the library has supported events for all ages including the Summer Reading programs, special purchases, and funds for the library catalog.
FOCCLS manages the Book House, located centrally, where donated books are sorted, priced, and packed for the major book sales in the Spring and Fall at the Citrus Springs Community Center.

Officers and Directors
Sandy Price
Vice President
April McLaughlin
Colette Halasi-Kun
Ron Shafer
Member Representatives:
Central Ridge
Cathy Lindell
Mary Kay Pavilionis
Coastal Region
Barbara Carson
Jose Weber
Floral City
Sharon Thompson
Phyllis Peters
Lakes Region
Norma McEllhenney
Sandy Price
At Large Representatives
Leslie Fraze
Colette Halasi-Kun
April McLaughlin
Ron Shafer
Michael Wilson
Become a Friend Today
It's easy to join and be our Friend! Memberships start at only $10 per year and help support Library programs and events that strengthen the community. Join or renew your membership, or find out more.